Director dealings: Abrdn CEO makes share sale

Abrdn revealed on Monday that chief executive Stephen Bird had disposed of 29,942 ordinary shares in the FTSE 250-listed global investment company.


15 April 2024 16:11:03

Source: Sharecast

Bird, who sold the shares in order to cover tax liabilities, offloaded the shares on Friday at an average price of 140.90p, for a total value of £42,188.28.

As of 1610 BST, Abrdn shares were up 0.98% at 140.82p.

Reporting by Iain Gilbert at

Top Director Buys

Uniphar (cdi) (UPR)
Director name: Rabbette,Gerard
Amount purchased: 56,000 @ 2.75
Value: 138,738.74

Cohort (CHRT)
Director name: Thomis,Andrew Stephen
Amount purchased: 2,797 @ 715.00p
Value: £19,998.55

Director name: George,Tim
Amount purchased: 21,034 @ 23.77p
Value: £4,999.78

Top Director Sells

Greggs (GRG)
Director name: Hutton,Richard
Amount sold: 18,005 @ 2,758.00p
Value: £496,577.90

Greggs (GRG)
Director name: Currie,Roisin
Amount sold: 15,457 @ 2,758.00p
Value: £426,304.06

Uniphar (cdi) (UPR)
Director name: Rabbette,Gerard
Amount sold: 51,000 @ 2.75
Value: 126,351.35

Abrdn (ABDN)
Director name: Bird,Stephen
Amount sold: 29,942 @ 140.90p
Value: £42,188.28

Cohort (CHRT)
Director name: Thomis,Andrew Stephen
Amount sold: 2,802 @ 714.00p
Value: £20,006.28

Uniphar (cdi) (UPR)
Director name: Rabbette,Gerard
Amount sold: 5,000 @ 2.75
Value: 12,387.39

Exchange: London Stock Exchange
Prices delayed by at least 15 minutes

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