Bonds and Gilts

Take a look at our range of bonds and gilts. You can filter by issuer, price and coupon discount.

Bonds results
Coupon %
Maturity Date

3I Group 5.75% Nts 03/12/32 (BR88)

5.75 10,350.00 p 03/12/2032

A2D2 Funding II STG 4.5% GTD BDS 30/09/2026 (WI) (A2D2)

4.50 9,887.50 p 30/09/2026

British Telecommunications 5.75% Bds 17/12/28 £(VAR)(BR) (72NS)

5.75 10,452.50 p 07/12/2028

Bruntwood Bond 2 6% BDS 25/02/25 (BRU2)

6.00 9,972.50 p 25/02/2025

Eastern Group 8 ½% Bds 31/03/25 # (VAR)(BR) (93GR)

8.50 10,135.00 p 31/03/2025

ELECTR NORTH WEST 8.875% SNR BDS 25/03/2026 GBP1000 REGS (BD12)

8.88 10,495.00 p 25/03/2026

GE Capital UK Funding Unlimited Company 5.875% Nts 18/01/33 (92VF)

5.88 10,370.00 p 18/01/2033

Glaxosmithkline Capital 5.25% Gtd Nts 19/12/33 (AG99)

5.25 10,417.50 p 19/12/2033

Hammerson 6.00% Bds 23/02/26 £(VAR)(BR)(RegS) (72VH)

6.00 10,162.50 p 23/02/2026

International Personal Finance 12% Nts 12/12/27 (IPF3)

12.00 11,022.50 p 12/12/2027

Legal & General Finance 5.875% Nts 11/12/31 (71PP)

5.88 10,565.00 p 11/12/2031

Lendinvest Secured Income II 11.5% NTS 03/10/26 (LIV4)

11.50 10,425.00 p 03/10/2026

Lloyds TSB Bank 6.50% Nts 17/09/40 (96QO)

6.50 11,045.00 p 17/09/2040

National Grid Electricity Transmission 6.50% Bds 27/07/28 £(VAR)(BR) (47QK)

6.50 10,437.50 p 27/07/2028


7.88 10,900.00 p N/A

Prudential Funding (Asia) 6.125% Subord NTS 19/12/31 (PRUD)

6.12 0.00 p 19/12/2031

Segro 5.75% Nts 20/06/35 £ (VAR)(BR) (52VE)

5.75 10,472.50 p 20/06/2035

Severn Trent Utilities Fin 6.25% Gtd Bds 07/06/29 £(VAR)(BR) (41NW)

6.25 10,522.50 p 07/06/2029

Tesco 5.50%33 (31CM)

5.50 10,225.00 p 13/01/2033

Tesco 6% Nts 14/12/29 (40OS)

6.00 10,615.00 p 14/12/2029

United Utilities Water Limited 5.625% Nts 20/12/27 (47UV)

5.62 10,267.50 p 20/12/2027

Vodafone Group 5.625% Nts 04/12/25 (VO25)

5.62 10,102.50 p 04/12/2025

Vodafone Group 5.90% Nts 26/11/32 (VO32)

5.90 10,627.50 p 26/11/2032

Wessex Water Services Finance 5.75% Gtd Bds 14/10/33 GBP(VAR)(BR)(S) (68OP)

5.75 9,972.50 p 14/10/2033
Bonds results
Coupon %
Maturity Date

5/8 % Index-Linked Treasury 2042 (T42A)

0.62 £ 85.96 22/11/2042

1¼% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2027 (T27)

1.25 £ 103.61 22/11/2027

1¼% Index-linked Treasury Gilt 2032 (T32)

1.25 £ 104.28 22/11/2032

2% Index-linked Treasury Stock 2035 (T2IL)

2.00 £ 243.38 26/01/2035

4 1/8 % Index-linked Treasury Stock 2030 (T30I)

4.12 £ 342.87 22/07/2030

4¼% Treasury Gilt 2027 (TR27)

4.25 £ 100.80 07/12/2027

4¼% Treasury Gilt 2039 (T39)

4.25 £ 94.43 07/09/2039

4¼% Treasury Gilt 2040 (T40)

4.25 £ 93.43 07/12/2040

4¼% Treasury Gilt 2046 (T46)

4.25 £ 89.72 07/12/2046

4¼% Treasury Gilt 2049 (T49)

4.25 £ 88.88 07/12/2049

4¼% Treasury Gilt 2055 (TR4Q)

4.25 £ 87.85 07/12/2055

4¼% Treasury Stock 2032 (TR32)

4.25 £ 100.00 07/06/2032

4¼% Treasury Stock 2036 (T4Q)

4.25 £ 97.10 07/03/2036

4½% Treasury Gilt 2034 (TR34)

4.50 £ 100.30 07/09/2034

4½% Treasury Gilt 2042 (T42)

4.50 £ 95.04 07/12/2042

4¾% Treasury Gilt 2030 (TR30)

4.75 £ 103.12 07/12/2030

4¾% Treasury Stock 2038 (TR38)

4.75 £ 100.10 07/12/2038

5% Treasury Stock 2025 (TR25)

5.00 £ 100.04 07/03/2025

6% Treasury Stock 2028 (TR28)

6.00 £ 107.19 07/12/2028

UK 0.375 Treasury Gilt 10/22/26 (T26A)

0.38 £ 94.35 22/10/2026

UKT 4.375 01/31/40 (DLUKG603)

4.38 £ 93.91 31/01/2040

United Kingdom 5/8 % Index-Linked Treasury Gilt 2040 (TR40)

0.62 £ 89.21 22/03/2040

United Kingdom 0 1/2% Treasury Gilt 22/10/61 (TG61)

0.50 £ 28.72 22/10/2061

United Kingdom 0 1/2% Treasury Gilt 31/01/2029 (TG29)

0.50 £ 87.25 31/01/2029

United Kingdom 0 1/4% Idx-Lkd Treasury Gilt 2052 (TG52)

0.25 £ 66.76 22/03/2052

United Kingdom 0 1/4% Treasury Gilt 31/07/31 (TG31)

0.25 £ 78.14 31/07/2031

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Idx Lkd Treasury Gilt 22/03/51 (TG51)

0.12 £ 65.15 22/03/2051

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Idx-Lkd Treasury Gilt 2065 (TR65)

0.12 £ 54.90 22/11/2065


0.12 £ 68.49 10/08/2048

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Idx-Lkd Treasury Gilt 10/08/28 (T28)

0.12 £ 100.17 10/08/2028

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Idx-Lkd Treasury Gilt 10/08/31 (TR31)

0.12 £ 97.71 10/08/2031

United Kingdom 0 1/8% IDX-LKD Treasury Gilt 10/08/41 (T41)

0.12 £ 80.25 10/08/2041

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Idx-Lkd Treasury Gilt 2029 (T29)

0.12 £ 99.42 22/03/2029

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Idx-Lkd Treasury Gilt 2036 (TG36)

0.12 £ 89.47 22/11/2036

United Kingdom 0 1/8% IDX-LKD Treasury GILT 2046 (TR46)

0.12 £ 71.95 22/07/2046

United Kingdom 0 1/8% IDX-LKD Treasury GILT 22/03/73 (TG73)

0.12 £ 57.97 22/03/2073

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Idx-Lkd Treasury Gilt 58 (T58)

0.12 £ 59.67 22/03/2058

United Kingdom 0 1/8% IL Treasury Gilt 2068 (T68)

0.12 £ 53.99 22/03/2068

United Kingdom 0 1/8% IL Treasury Gilt 22/11/2056 (TR56)

0.12 £ 60.66 22/11/2056

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Index-Linked Treasury Gilt 44 (T44)

0.12 £ 74.99 22/03/2044

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Treasury Gilt 22/03/39 (TG39)

0.12 £ 84.11 22/03/2039

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Treasury Gilt 30/01/2026 (T26)

0.12 £ 96.77 30/01/2026

United Kingdom 0 1/8% Treasury Gilt 31/01/28 (TN28)

0.12 £ 89.66 31/01/2028

United Kingdom 0 3/4 IL Treasury 34 (TRTQ)

0.75 £ 98.68 22/03/2034

United Kingdom 0 3/4% Treasury Gilt 22/11/33 (T33)

0.75 £ 99.46 22/11/2033

United Kingdom 0 3/8% IL Treasury Gilt 62 (T62)

0.38 £ 63.53 22/03/2062

United Kingdom 0 3/8% Treasury Gilt 22/10/30 (TG30)

0.38 £ 81.40 22/10/2030

United Kingdom 0 5/8% Index-Linked Tr Gilt 22/03/45 (TR45)

0.62 £ 81.65 22/03/2045

United Kingdom 0 5/8% Treasury Gilt 07/06/25 (TG25)

0.62 £ 98.89 07/06/2025

United Kingdom 0 5/8% Treasury Gilt 22/10/50 (TG50)

0.62 £ 38.30 22/10/2050

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