Abrdn poaches Persimmon CFO Jason Windsor


Fund manager Abrdn said on Thursday that it has appointed Jason Windsor as its new chief financial officer.


20 May 2024 12:20:22

Source: Sharecast

Windsor, who is currently CFO at housebuilder Persimmon, is expected to join the group by the end of October.

Abrdn said he is a highly experienced CFO and brings "demonstrated expertise and significant knowledge of the industry" from over a decade within the Aviva Group, latterly as group CFO, departing from that role in 2022.

Prior to that, Windsor was CFO of Aviva’s UK insurance businesses, chief capital & investments officer and a director on the board of investors. He joined Aviva in 2010 after 15 years at Morgan Stanley, latterly as a managing director within its investment banking division advising financial sector clients.

Chief executive Stephen Bird said: "Jason is a superb addition to our executive team at abrdn, bringing almost three decades of experience from the UK financial services sector. He is a clear thinker who knows our markets and has first-hand knowledge of life as a public company CFO. He can unquestionably help us drive the business to the next level."

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